dissabte, de març 07, 2009

Vergonya de polítics!

Manual del polític del segle XXI - darrera part
Cap polític català rebrà els catalans que són avui a Brussel·les per demanar l'autodeterminació.
Haurà de ser un parlamentari escocès i un de basc els que els rebin.
Sí senyor, així es fa per fomentar l'abstenció, la distància amb la realitat i la participació democràtica.

Quina vergonya!

Escolta l'himne - Listen to the anthem de/from Gerard Sesé

15 reasons why Catalonia can no longer form part of Spain
1. Because Spain prevents the Catalans from deciding our political future.
2. Because official Spain is allergic to the Catalan language and culture.
3. Because 10% of Catalonia’s GDP that is creamed off by Spain devastates
our economy.
4. Because repressive sentences passed by Franco are still in force.
5. Because Catalonia is prevented from participating in international sport.
6. Because Spain systematically ignores U.N. calls against impunity for the
Franco regime.
7. Because the mass graves of Franco’s victims are still uninvestigated.
8. Because Spanish courts systematically overrule Catalan laws.
9. Because many Spanish streets are still named after Nazis and Fascists.
10. Because Catalans are a constant target of prejudice and abuse.
11. Because Spain never apologized for executing our President in 1940.
12. Because Catalonia wants to contribute to the future of Europe.
13. Because Catalonia wants to share its language with all Europeans.
14. Because Catalonia needs a constituency for its own MEPs .
15. Because Catalonia wants France and Spain as amiable neighbours on
friendly terms.
No European can fail to understand this

From: http://deumil.cat/

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Manual del polític del segle XXI - 1a part
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1 comentari:

  1. Copiat la portada del kumbaworld


    Carles Oriol
